8th list of synonyms for English Entry Test


1.     Emulate = Garnish = Adorn

·   Ennui (on-vi) = Boredom = بیزاری

2.     Encomium = Praise = Admiration = Accumulation = Commendation

3.     Enhance = ameliorate = improve

4.     Eschew = Abstain

·   Espalier = shrub

5.     Euphonious = mellifluous = melodious

6.     Evasive = avoid = hard to catch

7.     Excavate = dig out

8.     Extricate = Bail out

9.     Extrinsic = Foreign

·   Gesticulate = relate to gesture

10.   Fateful = Significant

·   Fawn

1.     Grey colour

2.     Young female deer

3.     توجہ کھینچنا

11.   Feasible = Possible

·   Fait accompli = Galvanize = Accomplished fact

12.   Felicitous = Appropriate

13.   Felicity = Happiness

a.     Fascia = Façade

14.   Fiesta = Carnival

·   Fist mêlée = measurement of hand

15.   Filigree = Ornamental art.

16.   Flaunt = Boast

·   Flibbertigibbet = Rattle Head = Irresponsible Person (see number 10d of list 3)

17.   Flux = movement = change

18.   Forswear = Abandon

19.   Gild = Embellish

·   Slovenly = Habitual

20.   Gradient = Slope

·   labyrinthine = maze

·   suffrage = right to vote

7th list of synonyms for English Entry Test


1.     Desiccate = Dehydrate

a.     Deracinate = eradicate = destroy = demolish = remove = uproot = destruction = extirpate = null and void

b.     Deuce =

1.     Dice

2.     Expression of annoyance

3.     Draw

2.     Devious = non-serious = insincere = crafty = deceitful

a.     Diaspora = Dispersion

3.     Diligence = Assiduous = Arduous = Bookish = Laborious = Scholarly = erudition علم و حکمت

a.     Diocese = Bishop

·   Priest – Father of the Church

·   Bishop – Father of the Cathedral

·   Archbishop – Father of the Country

·   Pope – Father of the World

·   Encyclo – Letter by pope

·   Benefice = چندا = pay

·   Ecelestical – people related / dedicated to church

4.     Discourse = Dialogue

a.     Diptych = Plane of picture.

5.     Discrepancy = Conflict

a.     Discretion = freedom of choice

b.     Dissension = argument leading to fight.

c.     Diva = pre-Madonna = female singer

6.     Disdain = abominate = abhor = vile = ugly = loath some = aversion = contempt = despise = despicate

a.     Dissent = Disagree = rabble = maverick = heretic = extremist = apostate (see number 4 of list 6)

7.     Dissenter = Heretic (see above)

8.     Divulge = confide = docent = expose = confess

a.     Dulcet = Melodious

9.     Docent = guide = guru

a.     Dote = Fondness

b.     Edda = Collection of Greek stories.

·   nymph = پری

10.   Downy = Feathery = Fluffy

11.   Emblazon = Adorn = Decorate = Embellish = ornament = garnish

a.     Implant = inculcate = instil = absorb = assimilate

12.   Dunce = Stupid (see numbers 6c and 14 of list 5)

13.   Droll = Comical = Farcical

a.     Birdbrain = stupid

14.   Elicit = Excite = Effervescent = Evoke

a.     El Dorado = city of South America = Fabulous city = rich city

15.   Elucidate = Enlighten

16.   Elusive = Difficult to remember = Hard to catch = ambiguous

a.     Carve = Engrave

17.   Emboss = imprint

18.   Empathy = understanding = friendship

19.   Diorama = Show case

a.     Studious = Assiduous = Diligent = Hard working = Laborious

20.   Discombobulate = confuse

a.     Predilection = propensity = proclivity = preferences = natural inclination.

6th list of synonyms for English Entry Test


1.     Procrastinating = Delaying = Dalliance

2.     juxtaposition = place two things side by side

3.     proximity = nearness

4.     Apostate = Rabble = Heretic = Maverick = Extremist

5.     urbane = شائستہ (cultured)

6.     Dowse = search for underground.

5th list of synonyms for English Entry Test


1.     Contravene = contradict

a.     corpuscle = cell

b.     cuvee = boatel wine

2.     Contrive = Artifice = Skill = Design

a.     Cygnet = Young Swan

b.     Cynical = Callus = Selfless = selfish = stone hearted

3.     Contumely = Insult = Abusive = Degrade

a.     Dam = Damsel = Comely

b.     Dacha = Country House

4.     Contusion = Injury = Bruise

a.     Dale = Valley

5.     Copacetic = Excellent

a.     Dappled = داغ لگنا = Freckled

Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter.

= Distant drums are gratifying.

6.     Coquetry = casual involvement = Flirtation

a.     Desiderate = to miss someone for long time.

b.     Philistine = Hatred for fine arts

c.     Asinine = stupid = obstinate = coquetry = crass = dunce = gross = dead head = brain bird (see number 14)

7.     Cordial = Friendly = Amiable = amicable (see number 13a of list 1)

8.     Corollary = Result = Conclusion. (see number 15 of this list and number 10a of list 3)

a.     Pusillanimous = lack of courage = diffident = shy = coy (see number 10 of list 3)

9.     Corroborate = Adorn = confirm = agree

10.   Cosset = Pamper = Coax = cajole = Coddle

a.     Aspere = Defame = Sling the mud = abuse = Malicious remarks = censure

b.     Decorum

11.   Coterie = community

a.     Culmination = peak = apex = vertex = zenith = نکتۂ عروج

12.   Covert = Stealthy

a.     Defenestrate = غصہ میں مارنے یا قتل کرنے کی خواہش



13.   Covetous = Enemy = Jealous

14.   Crass = Asinine = Dunce = Donkey = Idiot = Gross = Thoughtless (see number 6c)

15.   Craven = shy = coy (see number 8 of this list and number 10a of list 3)

16.   Crescendo

17.   Debility = Infirmity = Frailty

·   “Frailty, thy name is woman”. Shakespeare.

a.     Fickle =

b.     Deferential = showing respect.

c.     Delegate = Assign duty

18.   Debut = Entrance = First appearance.

a.     Debunk = Exposed

19.   Decant = Pour out

a.     Demur = objection = criticize = boo = cat call

·   antonym = wolf whistle

20.   Decry [(+ve) in front/on face] = Aspersion [(-ve) back biting] = criticize

a.     Defer = Adjourn = Postpone

4th list of synonyms for English Entry Test


1.     monologue = self-talking (questioning and answering)

·   soliloquy = self-questioning (only towards audience)

·   dialogue = talk b/w 2 persons.

·   Aside = self-talk for audience but not for the character.

2.     Innocuous = very bad.

3.     Healthy = (for diet)

·   Healthful = (for other than diet)

4.     anachronism = geographically wrong.

5.     Misnomer = mismatching name.

3rd list of Synonyms for English Entry Test


1.     Brassy = Vulgar = Brazen = insolent = Harsh sound

a.     Bowdlerize = purgate = edit = purify

b.     Braille = system of writing for blind people

2.     Burgeoning = progress = ameliorate = enhance = blooming = bloom

a.     Shameless = Brazen = insolent = defiant = impudent = disrespectful = cheeky (see number 10 & 18 of list 2)

3.     Cachet = Official seal = Bramble = brikly

a.     Bravura = Bravuro = Daring = Bravo

4.     Carapace = Shell

a.     Bray = sound of donkey

b.     Bio = energy = vigour = spirit = power

c.     Broach = initiating topic = breaking ice

5.     Caricature = Mockery

a.     Broadside = one side of ship = abusive talk

b.     Buoyant = Float freely

6.     Cartographer = Map maker.

a.     Cameo = medallion

b.     Catacomb = underground

7.     Catharsis = remove the over excess passion = purgate = purifty = purging (see number 1a)

a.     Candelabrum = large stand

8.     Cause Celebre = Famous case

a.     Caulk = fill

·   “A mason with its trowel caulks the mortar into the crevices.

9.     Chassis = Framework

a.     Centennial = Century

b.     Capsule = cover

10.   Chastise = Castigate = Reprimand = Scold = Censure = Admonish = Snub = Chide = Rebuke = upbraid = berate = forewarning (see number 7 & 9 of list 1 and number 8 and 15 of list 5)

a.     Shy = coy = timid = timorous = diffident

b.     Chicane = tricky

c.     Chiaroscuro = lights

d.     Flibbertigibbet = careless = not sincere

11.   Chimerical = Imaginary = Capricorn

a.     Churn = large container for milk

b.     Chutzpah = shameless = brazen = audacious (see number 10 & 18 of list 2)

12.   Clamorous = Vociferous = Noisy

a.     Claret = Red wine

13.   Clement = Beneficent = Merciful = Mild = Lenient = Cander (see number 15a & 16 of list 2)

a.     Cloud nine = Elated = Happy = Joyous = Seventh Heaven (see number 18b of list 2)

14.   Coercive = Forceful

15.   Collage = Collection of colours

a.     Coif = ٹوپی والا برقع

b.     Comatose = Enervate = sluggish = laziness = lethargic = endolent

·   Antonym = Invigorate

c.     Compatible = equal in weight

16.   Comely = Stunning = bewitching = enthralled = dazzling = striking

a.     Contemporary = ہم عصر لوگ

17.   Commiserate = Condole = console

a.     Congeal = جم جانا (clot)

18.   Condone = Forgive = Overlook = Conciliatory

19.   Complacent = Contented (see number 15 b of list 2)

1.     Confound = Startled = Addle = Stun = Muddle = Baffle = perplex = upset

a.     Vogue = In fashion = fop = foppish = Dandy = Rakish (see number 1a of list 2)

b.     Docent = Guru = mentor = Guide = Teacher

2nd list of synonyms for English Entry Test


1.     Aria = Song (in Italian language)

a)     Askew = Squint = oblige (eyes) = rakish = askance = quizzical (eyes) = sideways = dubious

·   Cap with rakish angle = کج کلاہ

ہر قوم راست کردہ دینے و قبلہ گاہے

من قبلہ راست کردم بر سمتِ کج کلاہے

b)     Dubious = quizzical = doubtful (see above)

2.     Melody = Song = Aria = Descant (see number 1)

3.     Expedient = Suitable = appropriate = apt

4.     Ascetic = Stoic = Indifferent

a)     Asguard = Dwelling place of gods and goddesses

b)     Savvy = Aculeate = understanding = comprehension

c)     Austere = Disciplined

5.     Artifice = Contrivance = Dexterous = Skill = Deft (see number 12 of list 1)

a)     Aspersion = Malign = Malicious remarks

·   Verb è Asperse


6.     Raimend = Ignoble

·   Raiment = clothes = dress = costume = outfit = attire = garment = garb

b)     Atrophy = Decay

7.     Assimilate = inculcate = Absorb

a)     Apparel = Appearance.

·   Shakespeare = “Apparel oft proclaims the man.”

Note:      Homer = First ever poet found.

Thapsus = First dramatist ever found.

b)     Avoirdupois = Apparatus

c)     Bacchanal = goddess of wine = Asguard

8.     Attire = Clothing. (see number 6)

a)     Bantum = Small but aggressive

b)     Balk =

·   (1) Stop (unexpected

·   (2) Avoid = Avacive

·   (3) Disappoint

9.     Audacious = Daring = Bold = Brazen = Shameless

a)     Basilica = Roman Catholic Church

10.   Auspicious = Propitious = Favourable = Sacred

a)     Cheeky = insolent = disobedient = impudent = disrespectful = defiance (see number 1, 2a & 11b of list 3)

b)     Intrepid = Bold = Audacious

c)     Felicitous = Well chosen

11.   August = Dignified

a)     Avaricious = Greedy

b)     Covetous = Jealousy

12.   Diminutive = bantum

a)     Batter = Cherm

b)     Bauble = Show off

13.   Bamboozle = Wangle = Cheat = Beguile = embezzle

·         Gullible people are beguiled.

a)     Behest = زیادہ تنگ کرنے والا مسئلہ (most disturbing problem)

b)     Belated = گزری ہوئی (past event)

14.   Barbaric = savage

a)     Beneficence = kind person

b)     Uncouth = Lacking in good manner

15.   Beguile = cheat (see number 13)

a)     Complaisant = polite = kind = Cander

b)     Complacent = Contented (see number 19 of list 3)

16.   Benign = Beneficent (see number 13 of list 3)

·   Antonym = Malign

17.   Bistro = small restaurant

a)     Beset = entangled in trouble.

b)     Berm = narrow path.

18.   Blasphemous = irreverent = cheeky = defiance = un-specious (see number 10a)

a)     Tavern = Pub = Public house

b)     Blandish = flattery = sycophant

·   cloud nine = ہوا میں اُڑنا (fly in sky) (see number 13a of list 3)

19.   Blather = speak foolishly = Babble

a)     Bloom = Blossom

20.   Bonk = Strike

a)     Bisect = Divide

b)     Pedentry = Peropial = Pedagogy

Synonyms for Entry Test 2011

Hello students. I hope that Pakistani Students would be busy in preparation of Entry Test. Since last month, Sir Tahir Idrees (teacher at KIPS) has taught us a lot of things for English. I am just going to share it with you. Learn it and prepare well for Entrance Test 2011.

First, we’ll start with Synonyms.

    1.     Argosy = Fleet = Armada = Merchant Laden ship

    a) Anomaly = Oddity = Aberrant = Eccentric

    b) Annals = Historical events = Chronicle

    2.     Anomaly= Aberration = Strange = Awkward = Arcane = A-normal/away from normality (see number 5 & 10)

    a) Ally = Allied Forces

    3.     Amazon = Strong woman

    4.     Aboriginal = Domestic = Native = Local = Indigenous

    a) Colossus = Colossal = big = gigantic = large = huge = mammoth

    5.     Arcane = Strange = Esoteric = Mysterious (see number 2 & 10)

    a) Avid = Keen = Eager = Enthusiastic

    b) Arid = Without rain

    6.     Apocryphal = Spurious = Specious = Ruse

    a) Arboreal = relating to trees

    7.     Apprehension = Premonition = Forewarning = Presage (see number 9 of this list and number 10 of list 3)

    · Antonym = Auspicious                                        

    8.     Amenities = Convenient = Ease = Satisfaction = Propitious

    · Antonym = Squamish

    9.     Admonition = Forewarning = Presage = Portent (see number 7 of this list and number 10 of list 3)

    a) Accumulation = Accrue

    10.   Aberration = Oddity (see number 2 & 5)

    a) Acquiesce (to) = agree to = consent to = yield to = assent to

    b) Request = plead = importune = entreat = beg

    11.   Ameliorate = Improve

    a) Ambulate = walk (after getting disease)

    b) Vacillate = to and fro movement

    · Horizontal movement

    · Vertical movement is called oscillate

    c) Ebb = recede e.g. “Ebb and flow”

    12.   Adroit = Skill = Deft = Dextrous (positive) (see number 5 of list 2)

    · Sinister (negative)

    · Ambidextrous (a person who can do work with both hands)

    a) Afflatus = Sudden thought

    b) Recondite = abstruse = difficult to understand

    13.   Akimbo = bent

    · Women’s special standing style

    a) Affinity = Affable = Friendly = Amiable = Amicable = Amity (see number 7 of list 5)

    b) Addle = Muddle = Confuse

    c) Vindicate = to free someone from charge

    14.   Accolade = Copacetic = Excellent = Adonis

    15.   Arbiter = Moderator = middleman

    a) Antagonist = Opponent

    · Came from Agony

    · Antonym = Protagonist

    16.   Allay = Alleviate = Pacify = Soothing Pain

    a) Anomie = lack of moral courage

    17.   Angina = Pain

    18.   Abnegate = Abstain = renunciate

    a) Bifurcate = to divide something

    19.   Alacrity = Keen = Avidity

    20.   Altruism = unselfishness

    · Altruist (the person)