Dates and Names of Scientists mentioned in Ch # 15-20 of FSc

Here is the key for Dates and Names of Scientists mentioned in Ch # 16,19-20. There is no name in Chapter # 15 (Homeostasis), 17 (Coordination and Control), 18 (Reproduction).

Soon, I will also prepare the similar keys for Ch # 6-14 and 21-28. Later, you will be also provided with the key for diseases mentioned in FSc.

Chapter # 16: Support and Movement

Sliding Filament Model

In 1954, H. Huxley and A. F. Huxley and their colleagues suggested this hypothesis.

Chapter # 19: Growth and Development

Growth Correlation

In 1934, Thimann and Skoog performed experiments and showed that apical dominance was caused by inhibitory effect.

Other Experiments:

  • In 1892, Hans Driesch performed and experiment on Sea Urchin cell at two-celled stage.
  • Spemann performed experiments on Salamander zygote:
    • Neucleated and anucleated halves
    • Gray crescent experiment

Role of Nucleus

Haemmerling performed experiments on Acetabularia.

Concept of Differentiation

Spemann performed experiments on Frog’s embryo.

Embryonic Induction

In 1924, Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold.

Chapter # 20: Chromosomes & DNA

Discovery of Chromosome

In 1882, by German embryologist, Walther Fleming.

Chromosome Heredity

In 1900, by German geneticist, Karl Correns. It was a rediscovery of Mendel’s work.

The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

In 1902, by American scientist, Walter Sutton.

Sex Linkage

In 1910, by Thomas Hunt Morgan on Drosophila Melanogaster.

DNA Hereditary nature

Discovered by British microbiologist, Frederick Griffith. He infected mice with virulent strain of streptococcus pneumonia bacteria.

Discovery of Streptococcus

In 1944.

Transforming Principle

Oswald Avery along with Colin Macleod and Maclyn McCarty

Additional evidence

Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase. Experimented with bacteriophage T2.

Discovery of DNA

In 1869, by German Chemist, Friedrich Miescher (4 years after Mendel’s work was published). Also mentioned in Chapter 2.

Basic Structure of Nucleic Acid

In 1920’s, by a Biochemist, P. A. Levene.

Ratio of Bases

Erwin Chargaff. Also mentioned in Chapter 2 (In 1951).

X-Ray Diffraction analysis of DNA

In 1953, by a British Chemist, Rosalind Franklin as a helix structure. Also mentioned in Chapter 2.

Structure of DNA molecule

James Watson and Francis Crick, University of Cambridge, as a double helix structure

3 Hypothesis of DNA Replication

In 1958, by Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl, California Institute of Technology.

Family Inherited Diseases

In 1902, by Archibald Garrod and William Bateson

One Gene / One Enzyme

In 1941, by Geneticists, George Beadle and Edward Tatum, Stanford University. They exposed Neurospora to X-rays and came to the conclusion ONE GENE / ONE ENZYME which has been, presently, changed into ONE GENE / ONE POLYPEPTIDE

DNA encoding of Protein Structure

In 1953, English Biochemist, Frederick Sanger discovered the sequence of amino acids of insulin.

Molecular Basis of Sickle Cell Anemia

In 1956, discovered by Vernon Ingram, Cambridge University.

64 Codons

Marshall Nirenberg, Philip Leader and Har Gobind Khorana, after Crick’s experiment, tested all the 64 codons.


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